We will burn $BUSINESSES to balance the inflation.

As all VM Tycoon produce $BUSINESSES infinitely, it is important that the Tycoon ecosystem continues to evolve & develop strategies to burn $BUSINESSES. We plan to implement organic and natural burning strategies that would simply happen from interacting with the contracts as they are. Some of these burning methods are:

  • Breakage fees (10% of all unstaked $BUSINESSES). 🔥

  • $BUSINESSES-swaps. 🔥

  • Minting Of Future NFTs. 🔥

  • Upgrading of future NFTs. 🔥

  • Country Club Upgrading 🔥

  • Tycoon Throwback Gallery 🔥

  • Future Game Development 🔥

  • 3rd party NFT minting. 🔥

  • 3rd party NFT upgrading. 🔥

  • Future Projects. 🔥

Quite naturally we believe that we will be able to maintain the economy in an deflationary state just from natural interaction with the ecosystem.

Projected $BUSINESSES burned over 24 Months: ~48million (~40% of Total supply)

Last updated