
NFTs that make Millions!

The First Event In the Tycoon City!

Presenting ChloeCEO, the groundbreaking kickoff event in the vibrant metropolis of Tycoon City!


Let's face it, making Millions is a tough job. Once the game is live, ChloeCEO will make 16 Million per day. She will continue to make 16 per day for the first 3 days. After that, she starts to get burned out and only makes 8 Million per day for the next 3 days. This pattern will continue for the entire 15 days, but then she is done working and will stop making Millions, and the game ends.

The leveling up of ChloeCEO can be achieved through Experience tokens; however, it's essential to note that this won't enhance her Million-making speed or output. Following the conclusion of the game, a significant portion of the minting cost will be distributed among the top 10 ChloeCEOs, determined by the level they were able to attain.

Last updated